Results for 'R. Dal Moro'

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  1.  22
    The vibrational dynamics of GeO2at the glass transition: a Raman and Brillouin scattering study.F. Rossi, G. Baldi, S. Caponi, R. Dal Maschio, A. Fontana, L. Orsingher & M. Zanatta - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):1910-1916.
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    Distinguishing Virtues from Faculties in Virtue Epistemology.Enrique R. Moros & Richard J. Umbers - 2004 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):61-85.
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    Ciencia y religión: metodología, historia y perspectivas en Latinoamérica.Enrique R. Moros - 2015 - Scientia et Fides 3 (1):273-278.
    Science and Religion: Methodology, History and Prospects in Latin America.
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    Chronic Illness and the Physician-Patient Relationship: A Response to the Hastings Center's "Ethical Challenges of Chronic Illness".D. A. Moros, R. Rhodes, B. Baumrin & J. J. Strain - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (2):161-181.
    The following article is a response to the position paper of the Hastings Center, “Ethical Challenges of Chronic Illness”, a product of their three year project on Ethics and Chronic Care. The authors of this paper, three prominent bioethicists, Daniel Callahan, Arthur Caplan, and Bruce Jennings, argue that there should be a different ethic for acute and chronic care. In pressing this distinction they provide philosophical grounds for limiting medical care for the elderly and chronically ill. We give a critical (...)
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    La filosofía analítica y la encíclica "Fides et ratio".Enrique R. Moros - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (65):697-724.
    The criticism of Bernstein on the encyclical Fides et ratio, claiming that it does not take into account the progress made by the best philosophies of this Century on the analysis of truth, is false. This paper show that the encyclical does take into account the achievements of analytical epistemology. Also it says that the even challenges analytical philosophy to deal with even more important issues such as the role of metaphysics in the analysis of human knowledge and conceptual language.
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    De la Filosofía analítica al teísmo: Antony Flew.Enrique R. Moros - 2015 - Scientia et Fides 3 (2):57-84.
    From Analytic Philosophy to Theism: Antony Flew After the great idealistic systems, the advent of nihilism and the formulation of pragmatism, philosophy restarts again creatively. To understand this rise, I will argue about the essential relationship that philosophy should have with science. Then I will delineate, in line with Antony Flew’s history, the main philosophical arguments atheists present in analytic philosophy, and the characteristics that take the old arguments. Finally, I try to formulate as accurately as possible the main arguments (...)
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    El argumento ontológico modal de Alvin Plantinga.Enrique R. Moros - 1997 - Eunsa Editorial Universidad Navarra S.A..
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  8.  15
    Observaciones polianas a la definición del conocimiento: un posible diálogo con la epistemología contemporánea.Enrique R. Moros - 2005 - Studia Poliana 7:185-207.
    A partir del desafío que los ejemplos formulados por Gettier presentan a la habitual definición del conocimiento, se ofrece una comparación de la epistemología contemporánea con la teoría del conocimiento desarrollada por Polo. La crítica a la definición del conocimiento se articula en torno a la profundización en cada uno de los tres elementos que la componen y se muestra cómo pueden articularse internamente entre sí, profundizando en el valor ontológico del conocimiento, insistiendo en una comprensión más completa de la (...)
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    Multicentre trials review process by research ethics committees in Spain: where do they stand before implementing the new European regulation?R. Dal-Re - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6):344-350.
    Objectives: To review the performance of research ethics committees in Spain in assessing multicentre clinical trial drug protocols, and to evaluate if they would comply with the requirements of the new EU Directive to be implemented by May 2004.Design and setting: Prospective study of applications of MCT submitted to RECs.Main measurements: Protocol related features and evaluation process dynamics.Results: 187 applications to be performed in 114 centres, were reviewed by 62 RECs. RECs had a median number of 14 members, of which (...)
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    Leonardo Polo, Epistemología, creación y divinidad. Pamplona, Eunsa, 2014. [REVIEW]Enrique R. Moros - 2014 - Studia Poliana 16:199-201.
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    Some criticisms of Sacks, Schegloff, and Jefferson on turn taking.R. J. D. Power & M. F. Dal Martello - 1986 - Semiotica 58 (1-2):29-40.
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  12. Performance of research ethics committees in Spain. A prospective study of 100 applications for clinical trial protocols on medicines.R. Dal-Re, J. Espada & R. Ortega - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (3):268-273.
    OBJECTIVES: To review the characteristics and performance of research ethics committees in Spain in the evaluation of multicentre clinical trial drug protocols. DESIGN: A prospective study of 100 applications. SETTING: Forty-one committees reviewing clinical trial protocols, involving 50 hospitals in 25 cities. MAIN MEASURES: Protocol-related features, characteristics of research ethics committees and evaluation dynamics. RESULTS: The 100 applications involved 15 protocols (of which 12 were multinational) with 12 drugs. Committees met monthly (except one). They had a mean number of 12 (...)
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  13.  57
    Effects of CSCW on organizations.R. J. D. Power & M. Dal Martello - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (3):252-263.
    We consider the potential impact of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, with special reference to large technically advanced projects involving several organizations. It is vital that such projects are managed efficiently, without delays, since a product that reaches the market a few months earlier than its competitors enjoys a great advantage. Traditional methods of coordinating large projects, based on hierarchical communication, tend to produce delays, since technicians at remote sites are obliged to solve coordination problems by passing them up the hierachy. (...)
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  14.  9
    ¿Incapaces de Dios?Enrique R. Moros Claramunt - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (2):247-258.
    Are we Human Beings Unable of God? José Cobo maintains that the worldview of contemporary man does not allow him to believe in the sense that the first Christians believed. And he argues that the main cause of that vision has been the development of empirical science. Here I argue that in reality the cause can best be described as an anthropological error, which carries with it a metaphysical deficit. On the other hand, we rectify certain intellectual resources with which (...)
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  15.  8
    La dialectique éducative: une théorie générale de l'institution.Christian Vogt & R. Moro - 1981 - Paris: Cerf. Edited by R. Moro.
  16.  9
    La vida humana como trascendencia: metafísica y antropología en la Fides et ratio.Enrique R. Moros - 2008 - Pamplona: EUNSA.
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    BOGAARD, PAUL A.; TREASH, GORDON (eds.), Metaphysics as Foundation. Essays in honor of Ivor Leclerc, State University of New York Press, New York, 1993. [REVIEW]Enrique R. Moros - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico:185-186.
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  18.  8
    Posibilidad y libertad.Enrique R. Moros - 2013 - Studia Poliana 15:11-41.
    En la filosofía actual hay dos discusiones en curso en torno a la libertad: la contraposición entre compatibilismo e incompatibilismo y el sentido de la libertad, es decir de la subjetividad. He escogido el hilo conductor el concepto de posibilidad y el pensamiento de Harry Frankfurt para clarificar los puntos nodales de las discusiones y poder iluminarlos desde la antropología transcendental de Leonardo Polo para atenuar las contraposiciones y resolver las aporías a las que se enfrenta el pensamiento actual sobre (...)
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  19.  14
    Miguel Ángel Balibrea, El argumento ontológico de Descartes. Análisis de la crítica de Leonardo Polo a la prueba cartesiana. Cuadernos de Anuario Filosófico. Serie Universitaria nº 106, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, 2000, 102 pág. [REVIEW]Enrique R. Moros - 2001 - Studia Poliana 3:197-199.
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  20. La tarea del educador: La sindéresis.Jesus Maria Izaguirre Ronda & Enrique R. Moros - 2007 - Studia Poliana 9:103-127.
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  21.  10
    Conesa, Francisco: Dios y el mal. La defensa del teísmo frente al problema del mal según Alvin Plantinga, prólogo de Alvin Plantinga, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1996, 487 págs. [REVIEW]Enrique R. Moros - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico:846-847.
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    BENÍTEZ MESTRE, PEDRO ANTONIO, Maurice Nédoncelle: una filosofía de la historia, NUN, México, 2019, 340 pp. [REVIEW]Enrique-R. Moros - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (3):623-626.
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  23.  11
    Aº Elska Er Aº Lifa Hans Kristj'an 'Arnason Rµºir Viº Gunnar Dal'.Gunnar Dal & Hans Kristján Árnason - 1994 - [Reykjavík]: HKÁ. Edited by Hans Kristján Árnason.
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  24. Að elska er að lifa: Hans Kristján Árnason ræðir við Gunnar Dal.Gunnar Dal - 1994 - [Reykjavík]: HKÁ.
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  25.  13
    Optical and spectroscopic characterization of permanently densified GeO2glasses.L. Orsingher, M. Calicchio, G. Carini, R. Dal Maschio, D. Fioretto, A. Fontana, P. Fumagalli, E. Gilioli, M. Mattarelli, E. Moser & F. Rossi - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (33-35):3907-3914.
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  26. Sulla validità della costituzione dal punto di vista del positivismo giuridico.R. Guastini - 1989 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 66 (3):424-436.
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  27. Scienza et copernicanesimo in Bruno: principali orientamenti della critica dal 1950 a oggi.R. Maspero - 1989 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 44 (1):141-162.
  28. Ragione e incarnazione. Indagine sulla razionalita richiesta dal vangelo (G. Samek Lodovici).R. Di Ceglie - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (4):797.
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  29. Dal primato della verità al primato della bontà: Dibattito tra tomisti e francescani.R. Pentangelo - 1998 - Miscellanea Francescana 98 (1-2):3-32.
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  30.  50
    Cornelius C. Vermeule: The Dal Pozzo-Albani Drawings of Classical Antiquities in the British Museum. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, N.S. vol. 50, part 5.) Pp. 78; 103 figs. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1960. Paper, $2.00. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):313-.
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    Vite dei santi dal III al VI secolo.A. A. R. Pontius, Paulinus, Possidius & Bastiaensen - 1981 - Mondadori.
    Band 3. - Enth.: Vita Cypriani / Pontius. Vita Ambrosii / Paulinus. Vita Agostini.
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  32.  41
    La versione accadica del LUGAL-E: La tecnica babilonese della traduzione dal Sumerico e le sue 'regole'.Stefano Seminara & Benjamin R. Foster - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):197.
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  33. Acustica chimica/acustica trascendentale. Novalis e la filosofia romantica del suono.R. Martinelli - 2005 - Intersezioni 25:295-317.
    L’opera filosofica di Novalis, inedita e frammentaria per ragioni biografiche, è stata a lungo trascurata. Gli studi fichtiani e l’interesse per la scienza sono alla base della sua «Enciclopedistica», nella quale la filosofia della musica ha un posto rilevante. Novalis conosce la scienza acustica del suo tempo e riconduce i rapporti tra suoni e figure a una forza formatrice presente nella natura fin dal livello inorganico. La medesima forza si presenta poi nell’uomo tramite la voce, espressione più autentica della libertà (...)
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  34. Richard Rufus: Physics at Paris before 1240.R. Wood - 1994 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 5:87-127.
    Il saggio è dedicato ad illustrare la figura di Riccardo Rufo di Cornovaglia del quale si conosce assai poco, soprattutto dal punto di vista biografico. Nella prima parte dello studio l'A., dopo aver tracciato brevemente un profilo della vita e delle opere dell'autore, passa a confutare tre posizioni storiografiche in base alle quali si afferma che 1) Rufo non era ancora maestro quando entrò nell'Ordine dei Minori 2) non avrebbe composto alcun commento alla Metafisica o ad alcuno dei libri naturales (...)
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  35. Stefano gensini : Leibniz: Dal segno alle lingue. Profilo, testi E materiali. [REVIEW]G. H. R. Parkinson - 1991 - Studia Leibnitiana 23 (1):123.
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  36.  24
    Reflections on Suicide: Reactions to Marzio Barbagli's "Congedarsi dal mondo".Jeffrey R. Watt - 2010 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 24 (1):101-110.
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    Rizzo (F.P.) Sicilia cristiana dal I al V secolo. Volume 1. (Testimonia Sicilia Antiqua I, 14.) Pp. xii + 265. Rome: Giorgio Bretschneider, 2005. Paper, €85. ISBN: 88-7689-191-. [REVIEW]Jonathan R. W. Prag - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):237-239.
  38. Mongol dakhʹ ës zu̇ĭn surgalt, sudalgaany ȯnȯȯgiĭn baĭdal, tulgamdsan asuudal: (Ėrdėm shinzhilgėėniĭ baga khurlyn iltgėliĭn ėmkhtgėl).R. Darʹkhu̇u̇ (ed.) - 2014 - Ulaanbaatar: Gan Zam Press.
    Work on ethics, presented at a scientific conference held on May 23, 2014 in Ulaanbaatar.
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    Bricks as Evidence of Date H. Bloch: I bolli laterizi e la storia edilizia rontana. Pp. 353; 45 figures. (Ristampato dal Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica del Governatorato di Roma, Volumi LXIV e sgg.) Rome, 1938. Paper. [REVIEW]G. R. C. Davis - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (5-6):212-213.
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  40. Louis Lavelle. La fonction de la pensée; Donner et recevoir. L. Lavelle. L'univocité non immanente de l'être total. Le temps et la participation dans l'œuvre de L. Lavelle. L'expérience ontique de L. Lavelle. Être et acte chez L. Lavelle. Louis Lavelle et la philosophie de la spiritualité. Dal mio carteggio con Louis Lavelle. Traité des valeurs Quatre saints; De l''me humaine. [REVIEW]L. Lavelle, R. le Senne, N. Balthasar, G. Berger, J. Chaix-ruy & B. Delfgaauw - 1957 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147:102-105.
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    Health advocacy and moral distress among nurses in organ transplant units.João Paulo Victorino, Emanuele Seicenti de Brito, Ursula Marcondes Westin, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira Vargas, Karina Dal Sasso Mendes & Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Health advocacy is crucial for both patients and healthcare professionals. However, nurses who recognize the importance of health advocacy may experience heightened moral distress, particularly in complex donation and transplantation cases where patient autonomy, respect, and advocacy are paramount. Aim To identify the factors contributing to moral distress among nurses working in solid organ transplant units at a university hospital in São Paulo, with a focus on health advocacy. Research Design This descriptive, cross-sectional study employs both quantitative and qualitative (...)
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  42. When Does Work Interfere With Teachers’ Private Life? An Application of the Job Demands-Resources Model.Alessandro De Carlo, Damiano Girardi, Alessandra Falco, Laura Dal Corso & Annamaria Di Sipio - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between contextual work-related factors on the one hand, in terms of job demands (i.e., risk factors) and job resources (i.e., protective factors), and work-family conflict in teachers on the other. Building on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, we hypothesized that job demands, namely qualitative and quantitative workload, are positively associated with work-family conflict in teachers. Moreover, in line with the buffer hypothesis of the JD-R, we expected job resources, in terms (...)
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  43.  4
    Drugoĭ. Blizhniĭ i dalʹniĭ: materialy mezhdunarodnoĭ zaochnoĭ ėtiko-politologicheskoĭ konferent︠s︡ii: Erevan, 15 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 2017 goda.A. S. Bagdasari︠a︡n & R. G. Apresi︠a︡n (eds.) - 2017 - Erevan: Izdatelʹstvo EGU.
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  44.  5
    Contro il cristianismo e l’umanismo. Il perdono dell’Occidente.Elisa Grimi & R. Brague - 2015 - 53100 Siena SI, Italia: Cantagalli.
    Europa, cristianità, istruzione, educazione, società secolare, tempi moderni. Questi e molti altri ancora i temi che Rémi Brague affronta tin questo volume. Il continuo processo di individualizzazione, caratterizzato dal razionalismo, ha comportato un totale indebolimento dei legami societari e ha posto al centro le libertà e i diritti dei singoli. Si assiste così all’evoluzione di una società secolarizzata che giunta al suo capolinea non riesce più a bastare a se stessa. Il pensiero moderno non sembra essere in grado di giustificare (...)
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  45.  72
    G. Rocco: Avori e ossi dal Piceno. (Xenia Antiqua, Monografie 7.) Pp. 129, 39 ills, 47 pls. Rome: ‘L’Erma’ di Bretschneider, 1999. Paper, L. 200,000. ISBN: 88-7062-052-9. [REVIEW]F. R. Serra Ridgway - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (2):451-451.
  46.  49
    Bonghi Jovino (M.), Chiesa (F.) (edd.) Offerte dal regno vegetale e dal regno animale nelle manifestazioni del sacro. Atti dell'Incontro di Studio, Milano 26–27 giugno 2003. (Tarchna, Supplemento 1.) Pp. viii +136, pls. Rome: 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2005. Paper, ???80. ISBN: 978-88-8265-318-. [REVIEW]F. R. Serra Ridgway - 2007 - The Classical Review 57 (01):206-.
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  47. Sociologie jako cesta ke štěstí: česká verze.Zdeněk R. Nešpor - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (4):481-497.
    Zájem současné sociologie a dalších společenských věd o výzkumy spokojenosti a štěstí zatemňuje skutečnost, že původně právě sociologie chtěla „štěstí" poskytovat a nahrazovat tak náboženské přístupy ke světu. Tento implicitně nábo- ženský charakter je patrný i v rané české sociologii v dílech prvních propagátorů sociologie, jako byl především Emanuel Makovička, a později u některých následovníků a epigonů T. G. Masaryka, v meziválečném období zejména u Ladislava Kunteho, R. I. Malého, Alexandra Sommera-Batěka, Jindřicha Fleischnera a Jana Duška. Z hlediska vývoje české (...)
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  48.  10
    Moros, Enrique R.: Modalidad y esencia. La metafísica de Alvin Plantinga, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1996, 389 págs.Francisco Conesa - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (3):739-740.
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    E. Dal Lago e R. Halpern (a cura di), "The American South and the Italian Mezzogiorno".L. D'Antone - 2003 - Polis 17 (2):365-366.
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    Enrique R. Moros, La vida humana como trascendencia: metafísica y antropología en la Fides et Ratio, Eunsa, Pamplona 2008; 413 pp. ISBN: 9788431325923. [REVIEW]Martin Montoya - 2011 - Anales de Teología 13 (2):555-556.
    Llega a nosotros una obra filosófica, cuyo trabajo exploratorio a través de la naturaleza humana, nos permite observar la totalidad del ser desde una perspectiva antropológica. El libro La vida humana como trascendencia de Don Enrique R. Moros es un mapa del hombre, trazado en coordenadas metafísicas: verdad y libertad, fruto de una labor de confrontación con diferentes perspectivas filosóficas que, en la metáfora con la que nos conduce el autor, son aquellos mapas trazados por antiguos exploradores que, de alguna (...)
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